

How DO we get our servers so fast?

  1. Quality hardware providers – fast machines, fast drives, abundant memory, low latency networks.
  2. Proven performance stacks – industry-leading web servers with all the fancy features. Our stack is optimized for performance, not resource-efficiency!
  3. Expert configurations – precisely tuned for applications, databases, and heavy load.
  4. Low server density – our servers are loaded very light, not crazy packed. Mid-day CPU loads around 25%.
  5. Relaxed restrictions – relatively uncaged environments. More maintenance for us but better performance for you.
  6. Of course, there’s secret sauce—we can’t tell you everything we’re doing! 😉

That’s pretty much all there is to it. Expert configurations, generous resource allotments, and no cutting corners! Other hosts use slower machines, slower drives, overload their servers, and set tighter restrictions. We’re very proud of our performance and love surprising our customers.


We strive for as close to 100% uptime as possible. We’ve even had entire years go by without a single downtime. Honestly, it’s not that hard. We pick the most reliable hardware vendors in the industry and take great care in maintaining our servers. All changes and updates carefully logged, no rogue patching or risky updates in the middle of the business day!

Don’t get us wrong. Downtimes can (and do) happen. The difference is being proactive about it and staying transparent with our clients. We choose the best vendors, don’t overcrowd the server, and do our maintenance carefully. Any downtimes or issues will be noted on our blog! We promise not to ghost on your tickets only to respond 2 days later with, “Everything fixed now. Try again.” We can’t sleep either when our servers are down.

The only 4 downtime scenarios you’ll ever see from us:

  • Routine maintenance – typical server maintenance occurring weekly or monthly with no downtimes at all! Usually done around late Friday night or early Saturday/Sunday morning. Major security flaws are patched immediately. (Expected downtime: usually unnoticeable or up to a few minutes.)
  • Hardware update – only happens every 3 to 5 years, servers are taken down for about 15 minutes while being upgraded to new hardware. We’ll notify you in advanced and try to do it during low-traffic hours. In most cases, you won’t even notice.
  • Hard drive failure – hard drives do fail sometimes (very rare). Not to worry, our physical machines have RAID setup and no information is ever lost. The system may be down for as much as 45 minutes while the hard drive is replaced.
  • Datacenter power outage – unfortunate industry event that happens once every 5 years or so. It happens to even the biggest companies (Amazon, Facebook, etc). (Expected downtime: the very last one was about 45 minutes. The previous one was 10 years ago and about 2 hours.)


True website security is best done from the server! We follow standard security protocols and harden every layer. Encryption, firewalls, IP bans, we check all that. You can sleep in peace knowing we care just as much about security as you do.

  • We run only updated software/modules. (No abandoned legacy junk!)
  • Security patches are done on time.
  • Servers are constantly monitored for attacks and quickly dealt with.
  • We don’t allow hack magnets on our servers.
  • Yes, our servers can by configured to be HIPAA compliant.

The last layer of security lies within you! Your software needs to stay updated so as not to allow any vulnerabilities. Your passwords should be reasonably difficult to guess. Basic common sense. If we see any potential issues with your sites, we’ll bark at you. Curious if you still need a security plugin?


Our default control panel is cPanel, dedicated VPS clients can choose either cPanel or Plesk. They work well! Easy-to-use, high-performance, secure, allows htaccess, and familiar for most people coming from shared hosting. We also have helpful documentation written out to help you manage most tasks on your own. (Just FYI, we cleaned up our cPanel to be less cluttered and show only options you’ll actually use.)

Do you prefer a LEMP stack or NGINX? We can offer that for our dedicated ULTRA-VPS plans.


Everyone hates getting unhelpful support. We hate it too, and won’t insult you with level 1 “script-readers”. All support responses from us will be from someone who knows what’s going on.

We only ask that you don’t abuse our support channel for basic requests already covered in our support guide or general WordPress questions. We are not a WordPress support service and do not teach clients the basics of running a website. We aren’t responsible for user-mistakes or problems with plugins. Anything related to website development is not our issue. We do have a helpful Facebook Group for such requests and many helpful discussions on there as well!

Our main support service is regarding the server. Making sure the server is loading your webpage quickly. Keeping important modules available and updated. Managing server resources.


All our clients are awesome, friendly, responsible business-owners! We vet new accounts meticulously. No noisy tenants, resource hogs, spammers, illegal sites/activity, or hack magnets. No trouble-makers of any kind are allowed on our servers.

Things we don’t allow (but not excluded to):

  • Resource hogs – heavy/poorly-coded plugins eating up CPU resources without any throttling.
  • Spammers – sending out illegal emails or unwanted advertisements, and potentially getting our IP’s blacklisted.
  • Hack magnets – anybody engaging in cyber-trolling or ego-battles with other techies. We are not here to fight your DDOS battles for you.
  • Illegal activity – please don’t make us spell out all the nasties. (Illegal X-rated material, storing/distributing copyrighted material, illegal betting/gambling, sites promoting hate or unlawful/immoral behaviors, etc.)